What Do I Roll? Live Play Show! Free!

By CLC Community Players Theatre (other events)

Friday, May 31 2024 6:30 PM 9:00 PM PDT

It's free?! Inconceivable! Join us as our Game Master, John, leads an unruly band of actors through a live play of the Princess Bride Role-Playing Game.

If you've ever heard of "Critical Role", "The Adventure Zone", or "Dimension 20", then you may have an inkling of what awaits you. If none of those words make any sense, then let me explain...No, there is too much. Let me sum up: 

Our game master will lead 4-6 players through a short story set in the world of the beloved movie (and book!) "The Princess Bride". They will use their characters to role-play interactions, attempt feats of daring, and maybe find some time for true love, fencing, or revenge. There might even be a miracle or two in the works.

If you love "The Princess Bride", tabletop role-playing games, ridiculous costumes, improv skills, or just want something to do for free on a Friday night, come hang out with us!

Freewill offerings accepted. Costumes encouraged. Concessions and raffle tickets will be available for purchase!

Mailing Address

3575 E. Valley Parkway Escondido, CA 92027